The Business Partner Platform


'preis umwelt unternehmen: Nordwest' starts into a new round

April 24, 2009

60,000 euros prize money for companies from the Bremen-Oldenburg Metropolitan Region with innovative environmental solutions

The 'preis umwelt unternehmen: Nordwest' ('North-West German Environment Business Prize') will once again in 2009 be honouring exemplary projects that make a sustainable contribution to protecting resources and to energy efficiency.

Deep-frying fat as alternative fuel, a cleaning plant for painting wastewater, systems for the precise provision of wind power: the scope of the projects from the districts and cities in the metropolitan region that were among the winners of the last 'preis umwelt unternehmen' reflects the possibilities with which companies can again enter the competition for the best measures and techniques. In addition to the main prize, there are also further special awards for eco- and climate-friendly solutions in the fields of logistics and energy and for intelligent partnerships between science and business.

All companies in the Bremen-Oldenburg Metropolitan Region that are privately owned to a majority extent can take up the challenge. Their headquarters or a branch office must be located in the Bremen-Oldenburg Metropolitan Region in Northwest Germany. An important precondition for applicant projects is that they are already being implemented and that the measurable impacts can be specified.

Applications and information:
Deadline for applications: 15th September 2009


Ms Regan Mundhenke, ecolo – Agentur für Ökologie und Kommunikation, on behalf of RKW Nord e.V.
+49 (0)421/ 230011-12