District of Verden – department of employment service and business development
The district of Verden is a region with widely diversified businesses and economy. Most important branches are the food industry - in Verden especially food for small animals, logistics services and engineering. Furthermore there are niche branches, especially in the field of surface engineering as well as everything related to horses and cattle breeding.
With its department of employment service and business development the district of Verden offers services in terms of location advertising, counselling of business start-ups, project development and consulting, promotion of technology and innovation as well as counselling and assisting application proceedings. Moreover we provide information about our locations and Europe, regional statistical data and we maintain the company information system, assist company settling as well as informing about financial aid programmes.
In addition the district offers support for women who want to re-entry the job-market or want to promote innovation through its Coordination centre for women and business. The coordination centre provides help with part-time work for parents, job re-entry and business start-ups for women. It is also available to women who are looking for a job and therefore offers orientation talks, counselling and information as well as qualification programmes and placing trained women into new employment. We are initiating and organising continuing education programmes, qualification programmes that are related to the situation at the job market and sectoral events.
Another field of the department of employment service and business development is tourism and related task to develop the tourist infrastructure.